I just realized while working on this backblast that Rush “Hour” is only 45 minutes. I’m sure I’m late to the party on that one…
YHC is on a Q quest this year. I’d been toying with Qing in Carpex for a few weeks, but was hesitant to “break the seal”. Ragnarok was my first Carpex Q, but Rush Hour was the first Carpex Q that I scheduled (after The Trudge asked me to release this morning’s Q in Raleigh). Cold rain kept a lot of PAX in the fartsack this morning, so I had no idea how many would show tonight.
Warm Up:
Give the mission statement, check for FNGs, give the disclaimer, Pledge of Allegiance, and warm up:
Side Straddle Hops x20 In Cadence (IC)
Good Evenings x10 IC
Imperial Walkers x20 IC
Sir Fazio Arm Circles x10 IC Forward x10 IC Reverse
Monkey Humpers x10 IC
Standard Merkins x10 On My Down (OMD)
Mountain Climbers x10 IC
Downward Dog with calf isolation stretches
World’s Greatest Stretch
Main Event
1) The rain started early, so mosey to the parking deck for 7-7s (modified for time 7-11s): six WW1s in the deck at street level, run up the ramp then to the far end of that level for one Burpee. Each pass through the top of the ramp, stop for seven Little Baby Crunches
2) The rain let up, so mosey back into the parking lot for Rack Em Stack Em: Merkins x10, Squats x20, Carolina Dry Docks x30, Reverse Lunges x40. Unstack on the loop back to start. Circle back to pick up the six. No time for Mary
12 PAX
Coco Crisp took us out
Naked Moleskin:
Way to keep after it, everyone! Thank you all for coming out.
Some day I will Q The Trudge (I’ve had to reschedule 3-4 times now), but this provided a great opportunity for both myself and Cephas, who was able to have a birthday Q this morning.
T-claps to Coco Crisp who attended both workouts today!
I think One Four has been holding back at the other Rush Hours I’ve posted.
It was good to meet Spartan in person. Hopefully the AO he has been working to start in Raleigh, Vibranium, will get a second chance once COVID is behind us.
Bouchér and I were waiting for Boitano and Screen Time to pop out of the bushes to get more points for the Raleigh March Madness challenge (we are the Final Four). We were very surprised Boitano did not show up.
Bouchér and I came full circle as he locked his keys in his car and I had to drive him home. I was very glad to return the favor from Dark Knight a few weeks ago.
This was my twenty-fourth #F3Q21 #2021Challenge Q. Next stop is Weekend Crick in Raleigh on 3/20 Monday Murph in Raleigh on 3/22 (Monday, duh).

QIC: Pigpen
PAX: Bouchér, Coco Crisp, Free Bird, Mojo, NRA, Ollie, One Four, Peeping Tom, Pigpen, Spartan, Speed Racer, VHS
Workout Date: 03/16/21