This is the fifth in a series of backblasts that YHC is writing a month or so late as I got caught up in Snowbird’s March Madness Challenge and Backblasts got put on the Back-burner.
For those of you who have been following March Madness, the biggest competition was in the second week between Boitano and Spit Valve. These men went head to head: posting, pre-running, doubling down, even tripling down. When the dust settled, Boitano was victorious by a point! I asked Spit Valve what happened, and that’s when I found out about Thunder in South Wake. I immediately signed up to Q for 3/31.

Warm Up:
Give the mission statement, check for FNGs, give the disclaimer, and warm up:
It’s been a month, and my FNG showed up in the middle so I really don’t remember. I hope I repeated the disclaimer.
Main Event
1) L-R step ups, Irkins, Dips, LBCs, Derkins under the picnic shelter
2) Rock work at the rock pile
3) Wall work at the amphitheater
4) Dora 1-2-3 to finish us out
Various Mary exercises. I don’t remember which ones.
Prayers for babies on the way, couples struggling to conceive, a friend in a coma, a parent about to have heart surgery.
Rams took us out.
Naked Moleskin:
Boitano did not show. As late as this morning, he was still in the competition, trying to throw me off after The Blitz. He sent me congratulations earlier in the day, but I couldn’t decide if it was another head fake until halfway through Thunder. I still expected him to roll up with two FNGs.
Speaking of FNGs, Gizmo is my first FNG! Thank you, Boitano for pushing me. There’s no way I would’ve reached out to him it weren’t for you. He even texted me to bail out about 45 minutes before the workout. So I told him about the competition and that he could very well be the difference. It worked!
And my month-long CSAUP comes to a close. Well done, Boitano. You’re a hell of a competitor! (and pretty sneaky)
My next #F3Q21 #2021Challenge Q is Excalibur on 4/1 (tomorrow) as I make up some of the Qs I shuffled for March Madness.
QIC: Pigpen
PAX: Dusty, Forceps, Fumunga, Gizmo (FNG), Gump, Kubota, Pigpen, Pikachu, Rams
Workout Date: 03/31/21