
SSH x 20

Willie Mays Hayes x 10

Imperial Walkers x 10

Little Baby Arm Circles x 10

Reverse Little Baby Arm Circles x 10

Wind mill x 10

Mountain Climbers x 15

The Thang

Ran one mile around the track

LBC x 50 single count

Merkins x 50 single count

Air Squats x 50 single count

SSH when finished

Ran 1/2 mile around the track

LBC x 25

Merkins x 25

Air Squats x 25

Jog to guard rail on drive way

Max dips to muscle failure – hats off to Bushwood and Ricky Bobby who were the last two men dipping, completing over 120 dips.

Carolina Dry Docks x 20 upon completion of dips

Bear crawl to circle

Complete 10 burpees

Plank when finished


American Hammers x 20

The End