EC: 187 and Blue Hen w/ the vest. Nemo for EC running
Fartsacks: None!
Excuse lexicon addition: None!
Warm Up:
B-ball courts – Cotton Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Hillbillies, Fozio Arm Cirlces
The Cooper
½ lap around track. 12 LBC’s, 12 Squats, then 12 Merkins. ½ Lap around track. 11 LBC’s, 11 Squats, then 11 Merkins. Count down to 1.
In between sets while waiting for other to catch up did a variety of Mary exercises. WWII, Reverse LBC’s, Low slow flutter, Planks etc.
Total running ~3.5
Announcements: Thursday run with Lucky Charms. This week 6pm starting at Bombshell Brewery.
Thursday 11/2 is the last Q at Disney for Deadbolt and Kid Cracker.
Prayers: Babies coming or arrived (Banana Seat), Roger Rogers neighbor, Crab legs, Darby, Clay (Roger Rogers neighbor), Landon (Buttwax) and M4L’s neighbor
Passage: Prepare your shields, both large and small, and march out for battle. Jeremiah 46:3