Shut-in used to come in on 2 wheels.
Term Paper took over for a bit.
Callahan stepped in once he turned 30 (#hate) (remember that time he was suuuuuuuuuper late?  It was exactly when he turned 30.) (read about it here.)

And now we have Khakis!  #signaturemove

Fun group this morning.  17 of us.  Lots of pregame chatter and laughter.  Good times.  So good of times that YHC forgot he had a beatdown planned to start precisely at 0545…so we took off about 0545:35 ish into the cold brisk air.  As we rounded the turn to head up the drive Khakis gave us a wink and a nod as he drove by.  He would later catch us during warm up.

Here’s what we did.  Ended up being a good one, IMO…

Warm Up

  • Good Morning
  • Hill Billy
  • Sir Fazio Arm Circles
  • Paint the lines
  • Lunge walk / Inch worm every other line set
  • Sprint / 5 burpees / Sprint 5 burpees back out of the parking lot

The Thang!

Long Hill Sprints
At the bottom of the drive partner up.  5 light poles.
P1 – Sprint up and back while your partner…
P2 – does Merkins (poles 1,3,5) and Squats (poles 2,4)
Flapjack every sprint

Walk over to the shelter (I was gased already)

– Australian Mountain Climbers at the fence (L/R = 1)
– Benchtop toe touches (L/R = 1)

Four Corners w/ Burpee Island
– 10 Low squat hold jump back and forth over the white line (back and forth = 1) each corner
– 10 Burpees each time crossing over the island


  • American Hammer (hold it)
  • Boat / Canoe (keep holding)
  • Rosalita (yup. hold on.)
  • Loooow Sloooow Fluuuutters (YHC can barely count.  OK recover.)


  • Khakis small group’s cousin.  No words.  Probably the toughest situation for someone to go through in their life.  BIG PRAYERS
  • Calli & Co’s church members with a loss as well.  Prayers for the family and especially the kids who lost their parent.


  • I like Bones.  He did not do the Bull.
  • Weather is changing so the clothing spectrum is interesting to follow right now.  PBX would probably go barefoot if we let him.  Had less than no sleeves today.
  • Airbag is starting to look dressed normal.  That’s how cold it was this morning.
  • Think Nature Boy spandies are like Ma Bells sleeves.  When temps get cooler he starts wearing regular loose fit pants over the tights??  Just a thought.
  • I’ll say it again, spirits were pretty high this morning.
  • I think it was the lighting.
  • LEDs being bright and shiney put everyone in a good sun shiney mood I think.
  • Nicely done #TeamFOD
  • I’ve now been called out during 2 Qs as being Eeyore.  Time to pep it up!
  • I guess…..
  • we’ll….seeee….
  • Callahan was early/on time.  He’s got your Q tomorrow.  Lets see if he shows.
  • I have 10 more Qs on the year to hit 30 so get used to this face.  Well picture my face when I say that, I know you can’t see it right this second.