On Monday at Crucible, Tinkertoy announced in COT that Juggernaut needed a Q for Friday. YHC had Q’d recently but if there’s a need you gotta step up. As we were wrapping up Papercut said “you want to co-Q?”. Of course he did because he’s a HIM, and I jumped at the chance. Q’ing a workout with one of your best friends is an awesome thing and super fun. I was pumped. We traded a couple of texts throughout the week and had a very loose, poorly thought out plan. Then we didn’t stick to it. It was glorious.
Some guys showed up for EC and someone led it. I can’t remember how many or who led. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned at F3 it’s there actually is no credit, much less any extra. You know who we were and that is enough. I do know we laughed and got in an extra 15 minutes of work. It was worth setting that alarm 15 minutes early. If you haven’t joined EC, let this serve as your formal invitation. You will receive nothing for the extra work, but it is so worth it.
On to the workout… PC being the elder statesman took the lead first. We had a cursory warm up and then got right to it.
Run to the Rock Pile. Line up on one side of the road and commence one of the worst set of 11s I’ve ever experienced:
Bear Crawl to the other side of the road.
Double Count Diamond Merkins. (The double count threw VHS WAY off. He was just saying random numbers by the end. Well actually the middle and at the beginning as well. )
Crab Walk back to the other side of the road.
Then Low Country Crabs.
If you ever want to destroy your shoulders in an effort to make them stronger, I highly recommend this set of 11s. It will make you no friends though.
PC turned it over to me. We ran to the entrance of the park and then onto the greenway to the top of the hill that leads down to the creek. Since Grady was at the Grand Canyon and we like to point out when he is not present we did Grand Canyons. This was a set of 11s that went like this:
1 Merkin at the start.
Run down to the bridge, then back up the opposite hill to the clearing by the open field by the parking lot. Ascending burpees every time you pass the bridge (1-10).
10 Squats at the clearing. And then proceed back in classic 11 style (Classic except for the extra burpees in the middle.)
That took longer than expected so back to the parking. Finish with a little Mary.
COT – no well thought out message save this: if you get a chance to step up and fill a need, take it. And as expected, nothing beats a chance to co-Q with a brother. Thanks PC!
Aflac took us out strong.