The slight drizzle quickly cleared the way this morning for another cracker at the Nutcracker.

Warm Up:  Jog through the parking lots before circling up.  SSH x25, Windmill x15, Fazio Arm Circles x10 forward x10 backwards, and slow to fast cadence Mountain Climber x20.

After breaking from warm up, we partnered up for a wheelbarrow around the back parking lot.  Each partner had to do an increasing set of WWII’s each time they switched wheelbarrow position, starting with 1.  Upon completion of the first lap, the PAX headed over to the track for lap 2, this time partner carrying doing the same increasing set of WWII’s at each stop.  Emeril was quick to burn out his portion of the lap with Blue Hen breathing heavily in his ear like a possessed donkey.  For lap 3, the front parking lot played host to an alternating partner bear crawl and crab walk with the same increasing set of WWII’s at each stop.  To finish off the morning, we headed to the playground for sets of dips and should tap plank holds.  Each partner did 25 and switched until decreasing the number of reps down to 5.

Mary: Freddy Mercury x20, Ukrainian Hammer x20, Box Cutter x20, Around the horn 15 second count varying plank hold.

COT:  Prayer requests for Banana Seat’s surgery next week.