Cloudy steamy morning, saw a pax of 19 arrive at catalyst unsure of who was designated to Q. YHC
stepped forward, and with no FNG’s we were off. Beautiful.
The Thang
Fast Mosey to Homewood drive.
split into 1’s and 2’s
1’s- AYG sprint from circle to Homewood sign/10 starjumps/ sprint back
2’s are doing burpees twill 1’s returned
1’s AYG/20 merkins/ AYG back
2’s squats
1’s AYG/ 10 squat jumps/ AYG back
2’s LBC’s
1’s AYG/ 10 burpees/ AYG back
2’s burpees
Mosey to the track
Partner up and grap 1 rock b/w partners
Partner 1 runs clockwise around track with rock
Partner 2 runs counter clockwise w/out rock then takes
rock when he meets partner 1 and turns he other way.
4 rock passes b/w partners
Return rocks
Mosey to Captrust Deck.
AYG to the top stopping on levels 4, 6, 8 for 20, 15, and 10 merkins
Mosey to the bottom
LBC’s x30
merican hammers x25
Mosey back to the parking lot
Low slow flutters x30
T claps to all for keeping up this morning. 3.2 miles by Floppys calculation.
T claps to Tin Cup for completing the 6 pack.
Don’t ever settle into a workout. Push yourself and those around you.
Lots of workouts in Raleigh now. Be looking for potential Q candidates at every workout.
Help them get their foot in the door.
Always an honor to lead you men.
Closing prayer courtesy of Gnobby