10 PAX couldn’t be at the beach and resisted the holiday fartsack this fine Labor Day weekend. YHC was impressed with the number, and looking forward to his first Q at The Crick. No FNGs present so we hit the streets.

Mosey over to the field for warm-ups: SSH x25, Good Mornings x15, Imperial Walkers x20, Mountain Climbers x20, Fazios x15 each direction.

Indian Run the loop around both fields twice to stretch out.

Mosey to the picnic tables for 11’s. First set 10 dips –> 1 step up, you know the drill. Second set Irkins –> Prisoner Squats.

Kanye was kind enough before the workout to point out a more menacing set of stairs out in front of the center than the one by the parking lot. Sorry PAX. YHC introduced the men to a Larry David special: the stairbarrow. So we partnered up, wheelbarrow up the steps, at the top 5 wheelbarrow merkins. Jog around to the other steps, back down and over to where we started. Flapjack. Repeato until each man was able to wheelbarrow up 3 times.

Head back over to the picnic tables. Balls to the walls to a four count of x25 (a Friar Tuck favorite, Kanye pointed this out). People’s chair x20.

Mosey over to the field, which fortunately for us was painted. Sprint the length of the field, when everyone arrives we did a Mary exercise in cadence. Total of 4 field length sprints, Mary exercises were: LBCs x20, Hammers x20, Freddie Mercury’s x20, Homer to Marge x20.

Next up was a Crucible and Steroid favorite. The Big Mick. Two lines (head to foot) in merkin position. Man at the back calls merkins in cadence x5 for his line, then bear crawls to the front. Repeato til every man has called merkins for his line. We went through twice, it sucked.

Finally, we wrapped it up with a Utah favorite: paint the lines. In the parking spots, sprint to the curb, backwards run out do a burpee, on to your next parking spot. ~10-12 spots covered.

Quick set of LBCs and leg hold count around the circle to finish it off.

Prayer requests: O-Flex requested prayer for his longtime friend in NY who was severely injured playing rugby. Major brain trauma, please pray for him and his family. Prayers for Kanye’s wife’s co-worker and recovery from surgery to remove a tumor.

Thanks to Kanye for having me out at The Crick, and for leading us out with a strong prayer. T-Claps to all the PAX for pushing through!