(written by Kanye, posted by CK)

The morning looked glum with a storm rolling in at 5am. Thankfully The Crickers like to #fartsack and don’t get started until 6am. The Crick kicked off under the picnic shelter with some warm-ups courtesy of CK while we waited to see if the lightening had cleared.

Good Mornings x20
Emperial Walkers x 20

Weatherman CK gave us the all clear and we headed out into the mush that was the soccer field for some more warm-ups in the rain.

Sir Fazio Arm Circles x10
Reverse Fazio x10
Full Wind mill x15
Half Wind mill x15

CK handed the torch to Mr. Track Star for some OYO Jacobs ladder action.

Sprint to the fire hydrant and back (Birkenstock’s modification for this round was a sprint to the car to drop off the cell phone)
Burpees x10
Sprint to the fire hydrant and back
Burpees x10
Sprint to the fire hydrant and back
Burpees x10
Plank until Kanye catches up 🙂

Patrol run to the playground with the occasional “he sees me” and everyone hits the deck for a low plank.
The PAX arrive at the playground and pick a spot on the wall.

Irkins x10
Derkins x10
Diamond Merkins x10
Dips x10

1s and 2s
1s OYO Wide Grip Pull-ups and plank it out

2s Bear crawl down the basketball court, Crab Walk back
1s Assisted Pull-ups at the monkey bars

2s Sprint down the basketball court, pay homage to Coach D with a Dragon Crawl back (we’ll call it homage but it was mostly everyone cussing Coach D)

With Track Star’s dreams of Wind Sprints smashed by what has become the standard slush that is The Crick, the torch was passed back to CK.

More Basketball Court Work
Walking Lunges down
Reverse Lunges back
Walking lunges x 5 / Air Squats x10 and repeat, squat hold at the end

Jog to the parking lot for some curb work
Quick Feet x20
Bunny Hops to the right x10
Bunny Hops to the left x10
Incline Shoulder Slappers x20

Jog to the picnic shelter for Kanye’s 10 minute Abs (aka Mary)
WWIIs x15
Kick Ups x15
Mid Plank 50 count
Freddie Mercuries x20
LBCs x20
Flutter Kick 50 count (pretty sure Birkenstock’s 10 count was a 30 count)
Sochi Hammers x20

– Glad everyone could make it out in the rain, even with the impending lightening doom
– March 1st F3Raleigh Convergence at Pullen Park
– GORUCK info meeting this Thursday at Players Retreat 730pm
– Interesting side note. While it might seem silly to have 3 people qing it did give us a diverse workout not to mention if you have a Tri-Q you are guaranteed 3 PAX, even in the rain.