See if you can count how many pax are called out in this BB, note it on Twitter!!!

Quick Feet x30
SSH x25
Imperial Walkers x25
(I think it was about here that Man Ram arrived, bloody, after his battle with the fartsack)
Good mornings x15
(In honor of his royal presence) Sir Fazio Arm Circles x15x2
Windmills x15

The Thang
Up a couple of levels in garage, plank hold, pick a partner, Pusher was YHC’s, hooah!
5-hand-release-Merkins Partner chase to escalator
Squat hold, aspire to the Friar’s form
7’s: squats and monkey humpers – Polaroid was his typical speedy self
7’s: Carolina dry docks, standard Merkins – Life Alert gave the rest of the pax a pace to shoot for
LBCs, recover on the run…

Belk wall for some people’s chair
Around the corner for 5 btw’s alternating with partner while he runs across small lot
Derkins x15
btw, 5-count by all pax starting with Sunny D
Up to top of deck, find your partner again
AMRAP reverse LBCs while partner runs to end of deck
AMRAP Freddie Mercurys while partner runs to end of deck
AMRAP box cutters while partner runs to end of deck
Recover on the run, including a Drive-by of for-fee workout packing up for the day
Back to the ground floor for…

American Hammer x30
Have a Nice Day!

Arena 2:30 this afternoon, Healing Transitions

Prayer Requests:
NC State co-ed taken away via ambulance

Baby Farley prayed us out (thanks, Baby Farley!)

Shout-out to Taylor University in Upland, Indiana, Boobs’ alma mater. YHC visited there last in 1990 for the graduation ceremony of a lifelong friend, MKH. Not likely it has changed much in 27 years 🙂