YHC awoke around 5 to rain that sounded like it was going to come through the roof.  He pulled up the radar and there was a ton of red and he thought surely this would be an ideal day for all to Fart Sack.  Switching over to email sure enough to a man each of the Pax in South Wake had responded that they weren’t afraid of a little rain.  YHC hoped in the truck and headed to AP to bring the pain!

The Thang…

Warm Up- Jog around the Park, SSHs X30, IWs X29, GMs X20, Mtn Climbers X15, Merkins X15, Mtn Climbers X15, Merkins x15

Jog down to the end of the road then back up to the wall- Dips X25(with French Dip mixed in), People’s Chair, BttW X25, Inverted Mtn Climbers X15, Rinse Wash and Repeat 3 times.

Jog up and run 2 laps around the top Park- Mary- Protractor(mixing in 6 in, 33.3 degrees, rosalitas, and low slow flutters) Freddie Mecuries X25, LBCs X25, Side Planks X20 each side, Protractor

COT- 11 Pax including C-Lo showed who’s on his 1 Yr Anniversary Tour showed up this AM and we lucked out and missed the heavy stuff!  Glad to see you C-Lo and congrats on 1 year!!  The pax agreed that for the next week the South Wake workouts would offer extra credit pre workout to help prep for the Mule next Saturday the 25th.  Prayers were offered for Mollie Jean hopefully her MRI today remains negative for cancer.  We lifted Chad(Howard) and Cindy up who leave on their Mission Trip next Tuesday to Kenya.  Howard closed us out with a mighty prayer.

Thanks for the privilege of leading you men!  Even on a day that made all the sense to Fart Sack we had 11 Pax!  My how far we’ve come in South Wake!!

See You in the Gloom!!