22 PAX gather for a cool, cooler than as we thought, morning ready for another Dante’s Peak beatdown. We even had a FNG EH’d by Khaki’s, Kubota, join the rowdy crew this morning. After a quick disclaimer, we take off down the parking lot, quickly circling up for the Warm Up.

Warm Up

10 Sir Fazios forward and backward

20 SSH

15 Hillbillies

15 Cotton Pickers

10 Burpees because of Ma Bell’s sneaker lights, just wrong


The Thang

Finish with the warm-up and start the main workout, jack web circuit around the park. Q instructs pack to perform 2 sets of jack webs, recover, and run to the next stop, 2 more all the way around until we finish at the basketball court with 10 (although some of the PAX wanted to stay at 2).

Recover and count off 1’s and 2’s for some court work, 1’s running suicides and 2’s performing peoples chair (note to self, fence is not great here for any type of leaning against the fence work). Two rounds of suicides and chairs and then recover and head to a very dark field.

Next up is 4-corners escalator, a progressive and additive workout starting at one corner with 10 merkins, next corner 10 merkins, 20 starjumps, adding 30 plank jacks and 40 sumo (ninja) squats. Another note to self, do not perform any type of repetitive foot work like plank jacks or mountain climbers on a wet field as it really effs the turf. We do want to be good stewards after all. Q instructs PAX to work back down the escalator and plank hold at the last corner.

Recover and mosey over to the shelter where Q instructs 1’s to run down the street to the second bleachers while 2’s are performing dips. Flap jack and then switch over to left-right step ups and butt-kickers, high knees.



Q decides to share the duties with the PAX, in particular calling out PAX that have not Q’d before, giving them a minor taste of leading the motly crew. Shout-out to Lulu, Swag, Rotary, and Kahki’s for stepping up and performing various ab workouts. Now you are ready to Q a workout!



Count-a-rama: 22 PAX.


Krispy Kreme Challenge, February 4th. Murph before the race.

Good luck to Michelob on his Q of Whiplash on Saturday. Show ‘em how we do it in Carpex!

Rumor about another spring party at Ma Bell’s.

It was an honor to lead you men this morning.