No new guys, we’re off. Head over to the corner parking lot to the trail across train tracks towards Bond Brothers and mosey down E Cedar Str with stops on the way to warm up with SSH, Mountain climbers, merkins, low plank hold, good mornings, Imperial walkers.

Mosey over to Urban Park for 5 rounds, no make that 10 rounds, of Cindy: 5 pull-ups, 10 Merkins, 15 squats.

Mosey towards FUMC with stop IN Wonk’s yard for dying cockroach and heels to heaven and another stop for LBCs, Merkins, heel touches.

At the church grab 2 concrete blocks and let’s head to the grass for two rounds of curls, tricep extensions, and squats. Knock out a some more merkins and replace the concrete blocks.

Mosey back to the luscious grass next to the Police station, with stop for little baby dips and curb Merkins.

At the fountain, circle up for Mary in this plush grass for Mary: box cutter, in and outs, reverse LBCs, and flutter kicks. And then MaBell calls out 10 burpees OYO.

Announcements: the Crik trifecta September 24, Ruck at 6:15 Boot Camp at 7:00 Boot Camp at 8:15.

Prayer concerns: marriages, CDs wife, Looms daughter, Sputniks father, and many more.

YHC took us out in prayer

Tecumseh lead us in 22 Merkins.

Ma Bell is on day four of his eight pack did it all started with that brutal stair climb.
Cedar Street may not be the best place to circle up and warm up.
The mosey to Urban Park put the fair fear in Tecumseh following his BRR weekend.
Asystole, we start on time and generally end on time.
YHC forgot to finalize AO name with the PAX; some Mabell and YHC took the lead. Forever more this will be Rush-hour.
That was a lot of arm work. YHC is a little swole. Mabell needed a Band-Aid, he was cut.
Those concrete blocks don’t get any lighter.
Not sure YHC  will ever get used to these afternoon workouts, higher temperatures and just not enough energy.

Banjos thoughts for the day:
YHC was expecting Babyface to show this week to share his sermon from this last Sunday regarding asking for help and letting ourselves be a little vulnerable.

What gets in the way of us asking for help? Our ego, our pride, difficulty, humility, the fear of the unknown, don’t want to be a burden to others self-sufficiency, shame, disconnection, fear of not belonging and possible estrangement from others? Are we honest with ourselves? Are we trying to show how together we are when we really are not?

By being vulnerable, we are genuinely connected to the others. We are so willing to graciously offer our support to others, should we deny others the opportunity to feel and live in that same grace when we are in need? It is a gift to allow others to give it.

It was and is a pleasure to serve. Thank you F3 for The introduction to some genuine men and allowing me to feel a little more comfortable being vulnerable