A record 36 PAX attacked Ball Bearings with vigor and gusto at the usual Wednesday morning time and place.


Run up to the plateau above hamburger hill.  Warm up: SSH x 30, crossover imperial walkers x 20, mountain climbers x 20, sir fazio circles x 20, windmills x 20.

Run down the trail, around the basketball court and up to the tennis facility.  All PAX to the side court, for 5 sets of run to mid court – do a five count exercise – continue to other side cout – do a five count exercise – continue to side of next court – do a five count exercise – run back to side of first court – do a five count exercise – run to mid court – do a five count exercise – run back to start.  Total of 5 stops and about 40 yards covered each revolution.  Five different five count exercises included, one for each revolution.  25 of each, 125 total reps: standard merkins, squats, carolina dry docks, lung jumps, and burpees.

Single arm balls to the wall 20 count x 2.  Peoples chair 50 seconds, x 2.

Run to hamburger hill.

Split in two groups, alternate.  Group 1: run up hamburger hill, bear crawl down hamburger hill.  Group 2: plank.  Switch.  Four total trips up and down the hill per group.

Run to stone circle/ amphitheater.

Get a partner.  Partner 1, in the pit for 10 standard merkins, 10 diamond merkins, 10 wide merkins, then run out of amphitheater, around light pole and back down into amphitheater and tag your partner.  Partner 2 on the wall for fifteen jump ups, morphing into continuous alternating left right step ups until you are tagged.  Upon tagging, partners switch.  Two times through.

Same partner drill, except 15 squats and 15 reverse lunges in the pit, and 20 dips morphing into incline merkins on the wall.  Two times through.

Speedy Mary: LBCs x 30, Rosalitas x 20, WWII sit ups x 20.


  • F3 Raleigh broke an attendance record Saturday at Pullen, Tuesday at the Forge and now again Wednesday at Ball Bearings.
  • Congrats to TARP for preserving the peace.  If you don’t know you better ask somebody.
  • New Thursday workout – “Dawn Partol” hosted by Johnny Utah, 5:45 am.  Laurel Hills Park, at the corner of Glen Eden and Edwards Mill Rd.  Boot camp.  Opening day is June 27.  Get fired up.
  • Heavy Metal will continue as scheduled every Thursday, Roanoke Park, 6:00 am.
  • July 4th Convergance – new Laurel Hills park workout site, 7:00 am.  This will be the only F3 Raleigh workout on July 4.  Post workout steak, eggs and beer at Johnny Utah’s pool across the street.  God Bless the USA.
  • Happy Hour at the PR, Thursday, June 27, 7:30.