19 PAX on a beautiful 60 degree fall morning for YHC’s one year F3 anniversary. The earlier start time did not seem to deter any PAX from emerging from the FS to receive their weekly beat down at the Vortex!

The warm up:
Typical 400 m warm-up lap.
Coco was late so…Repeato for lap 2
Blindside showed up… Repeato for lap 3
Ain’t no way we are stopping at 3 warm up laps so…Repeato for lap 4
Seal claps X 20
Good Morning x 10
Imperial Walker X 20
Mountain climbers X 20
Merkin X 10

The PAX separated into 2 groups: Group 1: headed to the playground for 30 pull ups, 40 Australian pull ups and 50 cadence count dips. Group 2: stayed on the field and continued with 400m interval runs with 30 second recovery between runs. Each group completed 3 intervals while the other group was at playground. The groups then switched and performed the same exercise.

As Blindside mentioned he thought he was at the women’s track practice both groups reconvened on the field for another 400m interval run before circling up for a merkin pyramid that consisted of variation normal grip, military grip, diamond grip, wide grip and dive bomber merkins. You guessed it…another 400m run before circling up for Mary!

Mary was quick but brutal consisting of LBC’s, Parker peters and low fast flutters in cadence
(and yes, we will get to 100 count one of these days! Only 30 short!)

YHC is grateful to the group of guys that come together under F3. The impact this group has made on me over the past year has been enormous. It is an honor to lead this group but more importantly be a part of something that continues to make ourselves and our community stronger. Thank you F3 and all the Churham brothers!