Each of 16 PAX has a brick in each hand during entire Q

15 seal jacks
10 arm circles
10 reverse arm circles
20 Moroccan nightclubs
15 berkins (merkins with brick in each hand)
10 walking berkins
20 air squats
Bearway to heaven.  A bear crawl suicide with bricks in hand, and descending berkins (10, 9, 8,…) at each reversal point
Sprinting suicide with bricks in hand.  Rinse and repeat
Dora 1-2-3. With partner, the team does 100 berkins, 200 LBCs, and 300 air squats.  One person sprints to half field while partner accumulates the body weight exercises
Jack Webbs.  1 berkin and 10 shoulder presses with bricks, 2 berkins and 9 shoulder presses, etc