Mosey Warmup to Bank (SSH x25, IW x20, GM x10)
Bank Heist training, partner up
P1:  Run around bank, 5 vault breakers (aka. star jumps) in drive-thru, flapjack
P2:  Exercises:  Low Body Ex.,  Chest Ex.,  Low Body Ex.,  Chest Ex.,  Low Body Ex.
Mosey with partner to back parking
Cumulative 50-100-200
P1:  Run down stairs around planter, 5 box jumps on planter, flapjack.
P2:  Burpees, WW1, LBC’s
Mosey to Gym, side courtyard

10 Count down the line: BTW,  Peoples chair,  BTW, Peoples Chair, BTW

Mosey to Benches
Dips x20, Urkins x15, Dips x15, Urkins x10, Dips x10
Mosey to Parking/Start
Mary:  LBC x25,  Slow Flutter x25, Homeward to Marge x25, Am-Hammer x25
COT:  Name-O-Rama
Cornhole at Tinkertoy’s, Thursday 7:30-9pm
Sand Dollar’s VQ Monday at Petting Zoo
Go to Monday’s workouts
Prayer Req:
Lew Watson passed from ALS, prayers for family
Les Nessman now has a 2.0, congrats
Thought of the Day:  Step up and be a protector.
CDC led us out with a strong prayer.
Tinkertoy Out.