2 pax, each hoping the other wouldn’t show, planted the VSF and commenced a gloomy beatdown.

Warm up jog up one deck and back
SSH x 20
Arm circles

Mosey to the stairs and down to the bottom
20 merkins, 20 peter parkers
Run to the 7th level
10 burpees, 10 air squats
To the bottom – 18 merkins, 18 PP
To the 6th – 10 burpees, 10 air squats
To the bottowm – 16 merkins, 16 PP
To the 7th level – 10 burpees, 10 air squats

Mosey to a dry corner for a Wack Jebb

Mosey to another dry corner for a Mary intermission
LBCs x 20
Freddie Mercuries x 20
Rosalitas x 20
Dollies x 20
LSF x 20

Yog to the top for 10 pullups, 10 derkins, 20 dips, then repeat the derkins and dips


– 4:50 gets earlier and earlier