Today was like a 5 Finger Death Punch: Short on people, high on impact [Asystole called out due to P.T. on shoulder and Old Maid – something that may have to do with PBX]

Pax: Michelob and YHC Banjo
• Mosey to parking deck stairwell,
• 3 stair ascents, 10 merkins, truck load of Hammers
• 3 stair ascents, ascending testicle merkin ladder [5ct at each step up and back down], truck load of Hammers
• 3 stair ascents, 10 Hindu merkins, truck load of Hammers

Gather Cracker Jack, mosey to the train station for warm-up: SSH, Windmill, Good PMS

½ Cindy* at the bus stop

Mosey to the Depot rock pile and pick a very large ego rock. YHC challenged the pax to choose a rock where failure hits at 10 ct curls. We completed: 10 slow full extension curls; 20 ct of an ab exercise, repeat for 5 total rounds, then one extra round of curls.
• Ab: Heels to heaven, windshield wiper, oblique left, oblique right, and something else.
• Last two rounds of curls on one foot.

Head to bus stop with pause for handrail Spider Monkeys on the way. Modified ½ Cindy at the Bus Stop; 5 rounds of: 3-6-12 [everyone failed on pull-ups at the end]

Mosey around Municipal Building to the flag poles with 5 stops on the way – 10 box jumps OYO each stop. Failure hit two of the pax.

Circle up for two rounds dealers choice Mary: WWII / Capt American something or other with a twist, Reverse LBC, Chill-cut Peter Parkers, Supermans, Homer to Marge, Freddy Mercury

Nice to hear from each of the Pax, what got them to F3, and what F3 means to them.
Announcements: Churham / CARPEx convergence Dec 31, Box Day A-Team 7am start. Keep look out for COCO’s Q at Phoenix in 2017 [from @F3Churham]. Thanks to those pesky Wildcats and Malik Monk. Know someone interested in FIA in CARPEx? Send the information to Cracker Jack.
Prayer Concerns: Those traveling, world issues in Germany and Turkey, those lacking Hope during the Christmas Holidays.
YHC took us out.

1. YHC actually had more arm work planned. PBX killed that.
2. Not sure if Michelob enjoyed the non-running workout. However, you could still call it an Ultra. All the pax hit failure on curls, pull-ups, and ATML.
3. *Half Cindy: 5 pull-ups, 10 merkins, 15 squats, repeat for total of 5 rounds.
4. No idea what that WWII / Captain America thingy is. No clue the name but it carried very large suck factor. YHC needs some guidance.
5. Supermans to a conversation is highly recommended. Time passes as the pax share their Christmas gift plans for their kids.
6. Ascending Testicle Merkin ladder [this would be a MaBell pleaser for sure]. Start with feet on wall in plank position, feet at the lowest point possible, body near horizontal to ground. Keep back straight. Complete merkins. Then make one foot length step up, more merkins. Continue ascending with merkins till failure. Then start descent, same way with merkins at each step.