16 PAX showed up for a Coach Dabo led Crucible of cross training with 12 theme. #nomosey After disclaimers we were off…

Warmup: 1/2 lap run of parking lot first then 12 SSH, 12 IW, 12 WM, 12 MCs, 12 merkins, 12 plankjacks, 12 SSH

Walk the Plank: Pax lined up on every other parking line– walked to curb for exercises then back down each line (walk the plank) to paint the lines with star jumps at each tip. 1st round- 12 burpees, 12 squats at curb 2nd round- 12 double merkin burpees, 12 squats at curb. 3rd round- 12 burpees, 12 squats at curb and change to merkins at each tip.

Order of 12: PAX went to bottom of parking lot and split into 2 groups. Odds ran up the hill for 12 merkins then back down the hill for 12 monkey humpers. Evens started with 12 MHs then ran up the hill for 12 merkins. PAX repeated this routine for 12 minutes.

Rockwork: PAX followed YHC to rock pit for 12 rock curls, 12 OH press, 12 BORs, 12 TC ext then repeated x 2

Mary: Back to starting spot for 12 FMs, 12 Flutterkicks, 12 AHs, 12 WWII situps, 12 FMs, 12 Flutterkicks and several 12 counts of plank.

12 theme verse: Romans 12:12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Welcome FNG, Herman! YHC prayed us out..