Tinkertoy had the Q for 12/30 but his bad calf has him still on the mend. Ironically he hurt his calf on a run and not during an F3 workout. Once again proving F3 is safer than running. (*This has not been scientifically proven). Tinkertoy reached out to me to fill in. I’ve Q’d a lot recently and fearing the PAX are probably tired of me, I enlisted Juggles’ help. Co-Qing with your 2.0 turns out to be a heck of a lot of fun. First we had some EC to take care of. Grady led 6 brave souls for a ride on Crazy Train (Single file line in plank position, Amrap Plank Jacks until the person at the end of the line bear crawls to the front, repeat in Indian Run fashion. When everyone has bear crawled once, turn around and go back through while listening to Crazy Train until the song stops). Then Cupid Shuffle which takes a bad wedding song and makes it worse. We did merkins then slid to the right, to the left… you know how it goes. EC over, back to the parking lot for the main event.

Juggles dropped the disclaimer on the PAX and circled us up.
SSH x20
Good Morning x15
IW x20
Sir Fazio Arm Circles x20 forward x10 back
Plank Jacks x20

Turn it over to Pygmy for 7 Burpees OYO. Run down to the rock pile, grab a rock and save it for later. Time for Pygmy Pyramids. Start at the first speed bump perform an exercise, run to the second, perform exercise, run to the third, exercise, run back stopping at speed bumps again. In between traveling pyramids we did rock pyramids at the start line with the rocks we chose earlier. Here’s how the pyramids went..

Burpees 5, 10, 15, 10, 5
Rock Pyramid – Over head press x10, Triceps x15, Curls x20, Triceps x15, OHP x10
Merkins 10, 15, 20, 15, 10
Rock Pyramid
Squats 15, 20, 25, 20, 15
Rock Pyramid – return rock when finished
LBCs 20, 25, 30 cut this pyramid short and continue to picnic shelter

7 Burpees OYO. This brought our burpee total to 59. Dingo set the over/under at 59.5 on Twitter when he found out Juggles and I were Qing. I turned it over to Juggles here and let him determine if we went over.

2 Burpees OYO. That’s my boy.

Grab a spot on the picnic tables.
Irkins x20
Derkins x20
Dips x20
Repeato with 10 reps each

Grab a spot on the building wall for round of People’s Chair and BTTW.

Indian run to the front entrance and back.

Circle up for Mary.
Freddy Mercury x20
Homer to Marge x20
American Hammer x22

Announcements – Convergence on 1/2 at Carroll Middle
Coffeeteria immediately following Juggernaut (nice sized crowd made it over to Brueggers)

No specific prayer request that I remember.

I believe it was Mr. Rogers that took us out.

Strong group of 15 for the last Juggernaut of 2016 with 6 for extra credit and 8 for Coffeeteria. It’s been a lot of fun helping to lead this AO this year and I’m really excited about 2017. My favorite part of the morning was as we pulled out of Bruegger’s Juggles turned to me and said, “I love our conversations at Coffeeteria”. There aren’t too many places in life where a 13 year old can be part of a community of role models like the men of F3. The fact that he feels this are “our” conversations and not “your” conversations speaks volumes. And he’s right, they are great conversations.