QICs are always talking about how this isn’t a competition.  However, on this frigid, pre-polar vortex, wind blasted Tuesday; it was an all-out competition.  Even brought the inaugural F3 Baton Bag.  That’s right, drop the baton? Get down and gimme 10 burpees stat!

The Thang:

Warm Up:

  • 2 laps, sprinkled with some butt-kickers and high knees.
  • 10x Good Mornings
  • 10x Imperial Walkers
  • 10x some other weak PAB stretch.

Race #1

  • Teams of 3. Leg 1 at start/finish line, leg 2 at 100m mark, leg 3 at 200m mark.  Leg 1 runs an all-out 200m, while leg 2 jogs a 100m.  By timing this correctly, leg 1 passes the baton to leg 2 at the 200m mark.  Leg 2 then runs all out 200m, passing the baton to leg 3 at the start/finish line, from which leg 3 has since jogged 200m from the 200m mark to the start/finish line.   By this time Leg 1 has already jogged back and the cycle continues.  Somehow, one leg ended up having to run a 400m.  Well, it was a bit confusing for a moment, then we settled into rhythm. 6x 200m sprints with 6x 200m jogs in between. Run faster!
  • YoYo and Enron were nice enough in all their running glory to combine into a team of 2.  Each ran a 300m, while the other ran 100m in reverse (not backwards) to be in position for a baton pass.

Race #2

  • Teams of 2. Leg 1 400m sprint. Leg 2 rests and breathes. Pass the baton, and 4x 400m sprints for each leg.  Myrtle was the odd-man out and just passed the baton to himself.  Can’t drop it that way….. TARP!

Cool Down:

  • 50-mile’s pace cool down lap.  Kinda needed that!

WINNERS: Everyone! Ugh, never mind, so cheesy.  There were no certificates of participation handed out, just sharp blasts of cold wind to the face coming around turn 4.  So the kids won!  They were out of school, so obviously they won.

LOSERS: Everyone but YoYo. Obviously, this was a running competition right?  And my baton.  After all, it did hit the ground somehow.


  • Mile test next week 2/4.  Be there, and go sub 6.  See pre-blast.
  • Do the GORUCK
  • Something else I can’t remember.  Feel free to comment, I’m new at this blastback thing.