7 PAX showed for my first running Q in months. Not sure where it started, maybe from the fact that I have done next to nothing for 5 weeks, all those pizzas consumed sitting in front of the couch along with several beers [they don’t consume themselves], couple of stops at Taco Bell for Fourth Meal, or generally lethargy and waste expansion that was starting to set in. Whatever the case may be, it was time to get off my @$$ and start moving. And maybe it was divine Karma that I had some months ago signed up to Q #F3ShakinNotStirred. The stars were aligned.

With the self inflicted hammy challenge and Karma looking me in the mirror; a little self reflection positioned me to push the PAX and YHC a little harder, running was going to be a bigger part of the whole. This turned out to be a challenge when YHC saw MICHELOB Ultra show up. But then Surcharge pulled in, he must have been sleep driving, there is almost no getting that man up in the morning……. Alarm sounded, there were no FNG’s so we were off.

WARMUP: Indian Run via back road to main FGBP entrance, stop at the gate on the way for:

  • Irkens and Dirkens on the gate 20ct each
  • Hindu Merkins 10ct
  • Partner up for 2 man leg lift 30ct OYO
  • Finish Indian run to main FGBP entrance
  • Good am, mountain climbers, Low country crab 20ct each

THANG 1: at the main FGBP entrance: Modified Spartan 100

  • Grab a rock for 10ct ea. curls, tricep curls, overhead press, rows OYO
  • Jog to bottom gate alternating each trip with 10ct jump squat, jump lunge, Chuck Norris kicks, star jumps, tuck jumps
  • Repeat for total of 10 laps.
  • We finish as a group. Larry Birding will continue until all the PAX finished.
  • As time tightened, audible called and we completed Thang 1 on 6th lap.

THANG 2: Return via Highhouse Rd with the following: Squat hold at each light to gather the PAX.

  1. Broken Wheelbarrow to 1st light post, switch partners / leg half way.       It is critical to keep the opposing leg free. YHC called out the PAX that had wrapped opposite foot on the held leg.
  2. Bear crawl to 2nd light post, change to crab crawl half way
  3. Time getting short, audible called again. PAX ran AYG the remaining 1/4 mile back to start for some Mary.


  • It is 6:30 – LBC’s – 51ct


    • New Chavis Park #F3Ambassador workout on Saturdays.
    • Briercreek one year anniversary this Saturday May 16.
    • Join the men of Cary for Barley Pops at “Pharmacy Bottle & Beverage” at 120 E. CHATHAM ST. CARY NC 27511 the last Thursday of the month at 6:30
    • The Healing Place Golf Tournament. (see Country Wide or Duff) 6/15/15 – $100 per PAX
    • F3 Wilson LEAP, June 6th. Get names to Chong Li – Sign up link: http://f3nation.com/leap/wilson/
    • PRAYER CONCERNS: Burt’s family dealing with home health care, YHC’s father-in-law at hospital with Pneumonia, irregular and elevated heart rate. Surgery possible.
      • YHC lead us out in prayer.

NAKED MOLESKIN: This is an incredible site with so many opportunities, I look forward to seeing where the #F3ShakinNotStired Exploration Q’s take us next. It is great to hang with you men. Tclaps to Michelob post, pushing the PAX to new limits and then he going for couple mile run for his BRR training. Not sure how to beat this man down without killing myself. He is like an older Cinderella.

It pays to read other BB. Cut me Mick was hated for his introduction of the Broken Wheelbarrow. It might be one of YHC’s new favorites. Thanks to YHC’s nephew SPLASH in F3NOLA for the Low Country Crab. And someone added the Hindu Merkins this week, I had to try, they sucked – will do them again.


  • Low Country Crab: From the crab position (hands and feet, face up, back and bum off the ground), in cadence right hand up to touch left foot up, left hand up to touch right foot up. SPLASH
  • Broken Wheelbarrow: Partner 1 assumes wheelbarrow position but with Partner 2 only holding one of Partner 1’s legs, the other leg is free and not wrapped , demanding dramatically more core stability. CUT ME MICK

As always, an honor and a pleasure to lead and better myself. Thankful for you all. Aye.

The Red Pill must be taken as directed, starting when your alarm goes off every morning.  That means overcoming your natural inertia and getting the 4^? up when the alarm rings the first time, then jumping into action to begin your day.  Author unknown.