It was fine morning in the gloom as 11 PAX descended upon the concrete jungle also known as Crabtree Mall. YHC was looking forward to his first Q at the wonderland that hosts Ethanol and Flood Zone. Having started Juggernaut on Fridays a few months in to F3, I never got the opportunity to Q Flood Zone. But this AO is a fun one. Fresh with some inspiration from Pergo at the Forge on Tuesday, YHC wanted to keep it simple. 3 PAX rucked in from NHP to join us and away we went.

Up the stairs to the top level of the parking lot.

SSHx20, Good Mornings x15, Imperial Walkers x20, Mountain Climbers x20, Plank Jacks x20

Partner up with someone of similar speed to keep you company for some circuits. Pigpen’s last second arrival saved the PAX from partner carries as part of our fun (PAX were grateful).

Run up the steps to the top floor. Burpees x10. Jog over to the ramp, top of the ramp Squat jumps x10. Bear Crawl down the ramp. Repeat down to the bottom. YHC quickly remembered how long those ramps are, so we audibled to bear crawl every other ramp, backwards run the in between ramps.

Each time you reach the top of the steps, decrease burpees and squat jumps by 1 rep (x9,x8,x7,x6). We also switched in some crab walks on the ramp halfway through. Believe we made it through 4 circuits total. High Life and CDC torched the crowd and might’ve slipped in a 5th. Strong work men.

At the top level, Group 1 sprints the width of the deck, Group 2 AMRAP Merkins, FJ

Repeat two more times with AMRAP LBCs and AMRAP Nipplers.


Announcements: Memorial Day post at Carroll Middle or Jaycee Park at 6:30, June 13th Komen Race – Lamp is the Q. F3 Wilson launches June 6.

No prayer requests this morning. CDC mentioned a great video of Denzel Washington giving a commencement speech. Great actor, talking about putting God first. Check it out here.

Chernobyl prayed us out.

Always a pleasure to lead you men. Until next time.