It was a fine day in the gloom as 17 men emerged to swing some steel. One FNG present so a mediocre disclaimer was given, regarding liability and form. Away we went.

YHC thought he’d bring some variety in scenery to the Blitz this week. We made our way to the First Citizens parking lot. Some mumble chatter about the last time we moseyed this way, which was a Myrtle Q. PAX were reassured there would be no running with our kettle bells.

Warm-up: Good Mornings x10, Imperial walkers x20, Egg beaters x10 each arm.

Mosey to the neighboring parking lot by the bank drive thru. Here’s the thang.

Circle up. In cadence: Curls x10, Goblet squats x20, Bell BC’s x30. Repeat the set, jog the parking lot loop.

Next set: Shoulder press x10, Kettle bell swings x20, Freddie Mercury’s x30. Repeat the set, then jog the loop.

Last set: Bent rows x10, Squat to high pull x20, Heels to heaven x30, Repeat the set.

Mosey over to the steps. Find a partner with a similar bell size. Partner 1 holds bell overhead, walks up the stairs and down the other side. Partner 2 does AMRAP kettle bell swings, flapjack when partner returns.

Next set: Partner 1 bunny hops the steps, Partner 2 AMRAP single leg dead lifts. Flapjack.

Mosey back to the FC parking lot by Carroll. Partner 1 farmer carries both bells across parking lot and back, Partner 2 AMRAP flutter kicks. Flapjack.

Back to launch point with kettle bell overhead, until you reach the entrance. Donezo.


-YHC tried some Cindy cadence on a few of our exercises (move on 1, hold on 2, reset on 3). Much confusion ensued but whatever. Having to hold a squat adds to the experience.

-There appeared to be a group of assorted characters across the street doing some light jogging while we worked the steps. Some hollering followed.

-Our FNG wore a NY Giants shirt. Plaxico Burress was mentioned, which led to references of accidentally shooting ones self, we settled on “Plexiglass”. At coffeeteria we agreed there was some missed opportunity there for “Romo” or “Jerry’s World”. Oh well. T-Claps for debuting at The Blitz.

Announcements: Pepe had GoRuck shirts for members of Custom Class 2252. Haven House cornhole tournament is coming up 5/21 at Trophy Brewing. $50 a team, see MacGruber for more details.

Prayers up for Fazio’s mom undergoing surgery, MacGruber said a prayer for us.

Until next time.