19 pax gathered on a not-so-brisk October morning to get fit. Red Card was more than ready with his new BRR long sleeve tactical fabric upper body gear and Fava had on his cotton Goruck shirt, per usual. Plenty of mumble chatter in the first half, not so much in the second.
Warmup COP
- SSH-IW-Windmill-Sir Nigel Fazio III Arm Circles
Mosey down to Fallon Park
Dirty MacDeuce (12 reps per exercise):
- Round 1: Merkin-Squat-Freddie Mercury
- Round 2: Drydock-Alt Lunge-Dolly
- Round 3: Diamond-Sumo Squat-Rosalita
- Round 4: Wide Grip-Jump Lunge-LBC
Mosey down to White Oak/Rothgeb
- Sprint to top and do 10 Burpees-20 Merkins-30 Squats
- Do it again
Mosey down to Rothgeb park
Descending Burpee ladder (10-8-6-4-2-10)
Indian Run back to Anderson/Oxford
Sprint to Home
- SIGN UP FOR SATURDAY’S COOKOUT: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Tls_O3WL_sjy53TmZe0oTaCek4xXmvAuO_a5s31CANQ/edit#gid=0
- N2N Dinner on 11/3. Sign Up Here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/3rd-f-dinner-benefiting-neighbor-to-neighbor-tickets-28502611077
- HH/Fundraiser at LBC next Thursday, 10/27 – see Box Jump for details
- Verbal Commitment from Box Jump for his first FIVE POINTS TRIPLE this week
Fun times, thanks for the chance to lead!