Shovel flag planted for the PAX of 17 at The Judge this week in excellent conditions. We stuck to the core themes of this site : strength, agility, conditioning.

The Thang:

Warm-Up Run on the Blue Loop, Good Mornings x 10, Merkins x 10

Partner Up at top of the amphiteather:

Partner 1 runs loop around the stage and up the metal stairwell

Partner 2 performs AMRAP of the following: 4 Burpees, 4 Knee Ups, 4 Spiderman Merkins

Partner tags, repeat. After every rotation the count goes up by 2 for each exercise in the set.

Focus on pace and form. the circuit ran till 6:13 (30+ minutes straight)

Run to the lot, AMRAP Jump-Ups for 90 seconds, LBCs x25

COT with prayer by Deliverance

Naked Moleskin:

-The Arena is tomorrow, 2:30pm at The Healing Place

-Counts ran up quicker than expected, would guess all teams did at least 8 rotations so you’re looking at 3 miles plus the reps for the workout. Great to see newer guys like Joule, Midol & Solo out there, keep posting.

-April 25th : F3 Dads @ Fletcher Park, meet at 9:15am (watch Twitter in case the weather is not cooperative)

-April 26th : 2nd Empire 5K, see Mayhem for information

-April 30th : Big Boss 2nd F event, run at 5pm then beer/food at 6pm

-F3Namaste is up & running but mobile. Occurs after the workouts Chong Li attends, which has been more often lately. #wearenotprofessionals

-May 7th : new 3rd F Bible study post The Judge at the Caribou Coffee on Edwards Mill. 6:30-7am

-Oct 17th : there’s something going on that day that lots of guys are talking about, just can’t seem to remember what it is….. #yeahright