GLOOM CLASSIC: 12 PAX, all with cabin fever, posted at Jaycee Park to get away from their wives, children and dogs. A quick warm up Indian Jog got the team ready for the fun to follow: 20 SSH, 10 Fazio Circles, 20 Imperial Walkers, 20 count back stretch on the wet cold ground


KINGS OF THE HILL: With all Pax on the line: 1) Bear crawl uphill to 1st stop light for 10 Starjumps, jog back and plank 2) Bear crawl uphill to 2nd stop light for 20 Alternating lunges, jog back and plank 3) Bear / crab / bear uphill to 3rd light for 30 merkins, jog back and plank 4) Bear / sprint / crab / bear uphill to 4th light for 40 squarts, job back and plank 5) Bear / spring / crab / sprint / bear to 5th light for 50 LBC, plank it out

MINI MUD RUN: Jog uphill to tennis Court, where Life Alert Takes over – and the mud, ice, snow, and slop were free for the taking: 1) BTW Ladder (BTW x 5, low position, BTW x 5 Middle position, BTW x 5 High Position 2) Jog to Shelter for 5 chin ups, run around park for 5 merkins, run up Mulch Mountain for 5 burpees, plank until all are done 3) Repeat for 5 chin ups, 10 merkins, 10 burpees, plank until all are done 4) Repeat for 5 chin ups, 15 merkins, 15 burpees, plank until all are done

TENNIS COURT / ZERO LOVE 1) Partner 1 does Peoples Chair while Partner 2 does Suicides, Flap jack, repeat

MARY MAY I 25 Freddy Mercs / 25 Hammers / 25 reverse LBCs

COT / PRAYERS:  Floppy’s Daughter Addie, Hush Puppy’s Dad, Doug Walter’s Stem Cell replacement – Slash prayed us out.