An F3 Raleigh Custom CSAUP Event
Date: April 25, 2020
Time: 0500 – 1200
Cost: $200/team of 4
What is it?
Think of this event as a choose-your-own-adventure race. This is a team race, the majority of which will be under a ruck. Teams of four will launch from the NC Museum of Art at 0500 and navigate from waypoint to waypoint throughout Raleigh. The goal of the competition is to collect the most waypoints in the fastest amount of time. Teams will have 6 ½ hours to collect the waypoints and return to the NCMA no later than 1200. Final standings will be determined first by the number of waypoints collected and second by the amount of time it takes. However, teams returning after 1200 will be penalized 1 collected waypoint for every 15 minutes they are late to the finish line, so there is no incentive to try to stay out on the course longer.
Teams will start at the art museum and be given their first waypoint. Upon reaching it, teams will then be presented with a set of three options from which to choose their next waypoint, as well as a map showing their locations. Once the teams navigate to the second waypoint, they will be presented with another set of three options to choose from and a new map, and so on. Some waypoints reward teams for their choices, while others carry a punishment/additional obstacle to overcome (e.g., coupons, etc.). Teams will continue to navigate from waypoint to waypoint until they have either cleared the course or run out of time.
There is a minimum standard that must be met in order to earn your patch. Your team must collect at least five waypoints to qualify as having completed the event. There are eight waypoints in total. Again, in order to win, you must collect those most waypoints in the shortest amount of time. The winning team will receive a first-place trophy (of sorts).
The course will range from as little as 15 miles for those meeting the minimum standard to as high as over 20 miles for those collecting all waypoints.
Similar to the Barkley Marathons, teams will have to prove they reached a waypoint. As such, each team will be assigned a card suit and number from a standard deck of cards (e.g., ace of spades, 7 of hearts, etc.). Each waypoint will have a deck of cards, and your team will take its assigned card from the deck with you to turn in at the finish line. All cards will be turned in to the rules committee upon completion of the event in order to determine final standings.
At 1200, we will conclude the event and tally the results and final standings. T-shirts will then be presented to all participants, patches will be presented to all finishers, and the trophy presented to the first-place team.
A post-event social will be held at Raleigh Brewing Company for all attendees. All participants will be given two drink tickets which can be redeemed for event-recovery frosty beverages.
Wait, this costs money?
While the event is not designed to generate a profit, there are certain aspects that need to be paid for in order for it to work. Specifically, the cost covers logistics for the event, a shirt and patch for finishers, and overhead for the post-event gathering. The men of F3 Raleigh have an abundance of experience with CSAUP events, from which we can draw to design, organize, and execute our own events for the Pax. The event described above is the first of these “in-house” F3 Raleigh CSAUPs. If it busts, then it will go the way of the GORUCK Nasty, never to be heard from again. If it succeeds, then this could become our CSAUP events model.
Having said that, If you become aware of guys who want to participate for whom $50 is too steep, let us know and we’ll make it work.
Is there a packing list?
Yes. Participants must have a ruck with a 30# weight in it. Additional items will be required for safety purposes (e.g., water source, reflective bands, headlamp), but this list will be sent to participants after they have registered.
How do I register?
Teams can register using the link below. Please assign a team captain and list the other three members of your team in the spreadsheet. Please also follow the instructions included in the spreadsheet to pay for your team’s registration, which can be done using Venmo.
An interest/Q&A meeting will also be held Tuesday, March 10th at the Players Retreat at 8:00 PM.
What’s next?
Form your team and start training.
Questions? Please contact any of the following rules committee members:
- Ben Smith (Les Nessman): Email bnsmith07@gmail.com or @BenjaminNSmith on Twitter
- Stahler McKinney (Popeye): Email smckinney@fminet.com or @Popeye_F3 on Twitter
- Wes Camden (White Shoe): Email wesjcamden@gmail.com or @wesjcamden on Twitter