Twas a beautiful Saturday morning at Pullen Park and an even dozen of Raleigh’s finest were poised to explore the park and all of it’s splendor.  After the standard disclaimer was given, we set off for:

Warm up jog around the pond, with some lunge walks over the two bridges.  Circle up and SSH (25), IW (20), Good Mornings (20), Sir Nigel Fazio (8 each way)


SPINAL TAP:  We turned it up to 11 with a set of 11’s.  Merkin/squat, in cadence.  No spontaneous combustion amongst the PAX.

STARFISH:  Mosey to the field near the indoor pool.  Cones is starfish position.  5 groups.  Start at center cone, bear crawl to each cone, bear crawl back to center for 10 SSH after completing a designated exercise, continue until all cones have been visited.  Exercises at the various stops are 10 burpee, 15 star jump, 20 merkin, 25 squat, 30 LBC.


BALLS TO THE TENNIS SUICIDE:  Mosey to tennis courts and split into two groups.  Group one does an extended BTTW while group two does suicides.  Sprint down, reverse jog back from court 1 to court 2, then court 1 to court 3.  Flapjack, and repeat x 3.

GRAB A ROCK:  With the shoulders now warmed up, two quick sets at the rock pile of bicep curls (x10), shoulder press (x10).  Repeat.

THE BATTLE FOR MARY:  Mosey back up to the field where the infamous Spinal Tap 11s occurred for a Mary battle.  Two groups.  Group one calls exercise and number of reps for group two to complete.  Group one must hold plank while group two completes designated exercise.  Switch for 4 rounds.  WWII (x25), Russian Hammers (x25), LBC (x25), Scissors (x20).

Finish with 6 inch leg hold around the circle x 8 per PAX.


-strong work by the PAX today.  Only a few 10 counts and we kept things moving throughout.

-TClaps to Minnie for bringing out our first FNG in a few weeks.  Nice to see Minnie back at Pullen after being absent for several months.

-It is always awesome to see Howard pulling up in his F3 sponsored Jeep.