Some of you all that may be reading this just don’t realize what you are missing. Daytime workouts are not the devil. No sir. In fact, its nice to see some actual faces while you sweat…Banjo is doing a great job of getting this one going but it seems some of you treat it like a new Friday workout..err..I mean something you would rather not do. Well, YHC is here to tell you that you need to buck up and check it out. Anyhow, its pretty awesome.
With no FNG’s on this fine fall day, off to the bank we went for YHC’s standard warm up. Mosey from there to church lot and get yourself two fine concrete core buddies. Mosey down to lot. Partner up. P1’s bearcrawl up hill then jog and 20 merks. P2’s curls until 1’s return. Flapjack. Plankhold around the square 10 count. do this 5 more times with crawlbear, gorilla hops and more bearcrawls and various exercises at top of hill including hammers, cockroaches and the like. Planks in between. Jog around lot with concrete and more curls. Then another lap around lot followed by presses. Jog down to town hall pond. 1’s take off to deck and up and 20 merks at top and back. 2’s alternate 20 dips – 20 irkerns until 1’s return. Flapjack. 3x up and down stairs at town hall then back to start. Each man 20 count of choice Mary.
COT and Prayers. Great core group coming Tuesday pm’s. Looking to grow with some of you early morning risers soon.