13 brave PAX came together at The Vortex on a cool, damp September morning for the second-ever Dodger Q.

Rave Reviews
“I can’t feel my ass anymore.” –Weezer (post BOMBS squats)
“I loved the mix of strength and cardio.” –Assisi (Famous last words!)
“We needed more shoulders.” –Bushwood (Careful what you wish for…)

The Warm-Up
Knock out a lightning quick warm-up round before the fun stuff begins, featuring a short jog to half-field and some SSH (25), imperial walkers (20) and arm circles (10 forward + 10 back).

The meat of the workout. B.O.M.B.S. made its Chapel Hill debut.
Partner up. Partner 1 runs to half field and back while Partner 2 begins the workout. When Partner 1 returns, he picks up where Partner 2 left off and then runs to half field and back.

This pattern continues, with exercises increasing in 50-rep increments. No rest between workouts.

B – Burpees [50]
O – Overhead Claps [100]
M – Merkins [150]
B – Big Boy Sit-Ups [200]
S – (Air) Squats [250]

(If there are odd numbers, Q goes solo. Dodger took solo duty and did 60% of allotted reps for each exercise, running to half field and back three times per exercise. 30 burpees, 60 OC’s, 90 merkins, 120 sit-ups, 150 squats).

Early finishers ran a medium-speed lap around the full field perimeter and then went into bows-and-toes plank until the rest of the group finished.

(Further explanation: Partner 1 runs to half and back while Partner 2 knocks out 12 burpees. Partner 1 begins on burpee #13. The two continue trading off until they hit 50 in total. Once they reach 50, they move onto 100 combined overhead claps, then 150 merkins, and so on. Runs to half field and back continue until full completion.)

Merkin Press
Merkin pyramid with a twist! Basically do (x) number of merkins, and then (2x) number of overhead shoulder presses.

Start with 3 merkins/6 overhead shoulder press, then immediately increase to 4 merkins/8 press, then 5 merkins/10 press, and so on.
Pyramid from 3 merkins / 6 press to 4/8, 5/10, 6/12, 7/14, and 8 merkins/16 press.

10-count at 8/16 and then pyramid back down to 3/6.

10 Minutes of Mary
Dodger started it off with 25 cadence count LBCs, 15 WW2 OYO and some fun with bows-and-toes planks and plank jacks.

Followed by some Freestyle Mary around the circle, featuring the Dolly, Box Cutters, Heels to Heaven and a brutal round of Long Slow Flutters.

Closed it out with a little bit of back stretching; the trunk lift, and the downward dog.