With the rain moving out prior to launch this AM turned out to be great weather for #GettintheRuns!  Labrat sent the message out early on the accidental fartsack but Laker and PNG showed up for another Run Centric beatdown.

Parking lot high knees, backward jog, butt kickers, carioca left and right each 75 yards

Jog to trash can and back 150 yards, 30 sec quick foot taps on curb   (repeat 3x)

Resisted strap work (threesome made this interesting, YHC performed sled dog style hold for both PNG and Laker and traded off throughout switching to 1 to 1 ratio).

Forward sprint, switch partners back

Forward sprint, switch

Left slide, switch

Right slide, switch

Scout Run from Faith Community to Lake Benson Shelter

Partner run/exercise: One partner runs to light post (150 yards) and back while partner does exercise OYO:

Step up on bench with high march


Foot Release Squats


Mosey back to Flag, total distance 3.2 miles.


Great work by these guys today! Getting stronger and putting in some good foundation work for our longer runs and pace work. Working on head locking Laker into the Sasquach ENC CSAUP event.  F3SouthWake and F3JOCO is going to represent this year!

BOM/COT: Laker traveling soon and will be gone for 1 week, PNG: Prayers for upcoming travel and prayer for father going throughout health and nerve damage issues, Stretch: Prayers for family during transition and M’s Grandmother during chemo.

Annoucements:  FIND SOMETHING TO DO THIS WEEKEND!  The Mule F3 Raleigh CSAUP event or LiveWell Free 5k in Greenville or find a black ops run/ruck to join!  F3 Clayton “The Station” Tuesdays Clayton Community Park 5:30 AM! PNG has the Q next week!