Bob & Doug

Yet another record Pax of 33 gathered in the subtropical gloom of North Hills to launch a new work week. With Elsinore grabbing a share of the Q reins for his inaugural ride and the Pax begging for a taste of cool Canadian air, what better time than to travel back to 1983 and the Great White North with the McKenzie brothers.

The Thang:

Quick Warmup Circle: SSH x 30, Mountain Climbers x 25, Good Mornings x 25

Sperkins, Eh: 

  • Pax divides into 2 groups
  • Group 1 does parking lot sprint while Group 2 knocks out a set of Merkins, then flapjack
  • Each group does six reps with following merkin sets: standard x 10, widearm x 10, stagger left x 10, stagger right x 10, diamond x 10, CDD x 10

The Hoser:

  • Pax divides into 4 groups to tackle 4 stations
  • Station 1:  dips x 10, single leg squat left x 10, irkins x 10, single leg squat right x 10
  • Station 2:  Bear crawl burpee suicides – bear crawl to center line of court 1, run back to start and do 5 burpees.  Repeat to far sideline of court 1, near sideline of court 2 and far sideline of court 2
  • Station 3:  Pull-ups with max reps up to 10, flapjack with partner
  • Station 4:  Down and up Sisyphus (brick carry optional)

3 Minutes of Mary with Elsinore:

  • LBC’s x 51
  • Hello Dolly x 30
  • Low slow flutter x 30


QOD (which YHC failed to share at COT yet again):  “I am wealthy in my friends.” – William Shakespeare (from Timon of Athens).  Nuff said.


  • For those born post-1972 or so, track down a copy of Strange Brew and watch it. You’ll thank me for opening the door to the comedic genius of Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas, or you can blame Maize for rotting your brain – either works.
  • Welcome to FNG’s Ernie and Hasselhoff.  We now have in-roads to the 9 month – 5 yr old demographic and the greater Berlin and Munich TV markets.  #F3Expansion
  • Kotters to Sanchez.  Been out due to surgery to remove what was thought to be a cyst but turned out to be a tumor – benign thankfully.  Came out strong today.  Great to have you back, brother.
  • Prayers for health to Shannon Baggett (chemo starts today), Rainman’s daughter (eye surgery tomorrow) and White Shoe (various and sundry ailments currently under assessment).
  • Dawn Patrol – new bootcamp workout launches this Thursday (6/27), 5:45 am at Laurel Hills Park (off Edwards Mill Rd near intersection with Glen Eden).  Heavy Metal remains in its current slot of Thursday, 6 am at Roanoke Park.  #Options
  • Happy Hour this Thursday (6/27) at Player’s Retreat, 7:30 pm until Utah goes home.