Are you kidding me? Is this deja vu? Groundhogs Day? Well, back, again, by popular demand (actually just 1 guy who missed last week was asking for it), we hit the Abyss. 2 weeks in a row.
Headed out on the jog around the field, hit some happy feet in the lot, and circled up w/u. Back on the jog to other lot for a quick plank/bear crawl indian run, 1 round.
Hit the Abyss for a nice DORA. Partnered up, size did not matter. DORA was 100 merkins, 200 LBCs and 300 squats. 1 partner running the stairs while the other does the work, then switch and keep count so each pair knocked out the count. BTW, those squats were supposed to hurt like hell coupled with running the stairs. Those finishing early joined with partners and worked with them to knock it out. Then it was all down to the bottom together, 20 patty cake merkins and a bear crawl up the stairs, back down for LBCs, and jog back up for some squat work.
MARY was 2 rounds LBC, pickle popunders and homer to marge
Countoff was 15 #HIM
Announcements – Last call for clothing (and other supplies) drive for Healing Transitions. Bring your donations to Cletus or have someone bring them for you. Tons of people willing to help. Every bit counts for these guys.
Prayer Requests – Those dealing with addictions
YHC took us out in prayer