I’ve posted Thursday nights out in Knightdale a few times this year. It’s a great AO and the evening start time is nice if you happen to fartsack or want to get in a doubledown.
Warm Up:
Check for FNGs (Soft Trail’s 2.2), give the mission and disclaimer, and warm up:
Side Straddle Hops x20 In Cadence (IC)
Good Mornings x10 IC
Imperial Walkers x20 IC
New Exercise, fresh off the F3 Exicon Presses: Tie Fighters (Sir Fazio Arm Circles x10 IC Forward while in right leg forward lunge, x10 IC Reverse while in left leg forward lunge)
Monkey Humpers x10 IC
Standard Merkins x10 On My Down (OMD)
Mountain Climbers x10 IC
Downward Dog calf stretches
World’s Greatest Stretch
Main Event
1) Mosey to hill for Eights
Start with Monkey Humpers x7 IC at the bottom, “just a burpee” at the top of the hill
Squat hold for the 6 at the end of each round
(Give a quick disclaimer and explanation of 8s at the start for a late arriving FNG)
2) Mosey to open field and partner up. One partner does As Many Reps As Possible (AMRAP) of an exercise on the sideline while partner runs across field and back
Round 1: Carolina Dry Docks 2: Sumo Squats 3: Little Baby Crunches (LBCs) 4: Reverse Lunges
The field was squishy
3) Mosey to rock pile by the bridge and grab a rock for 10-15-10 pyramid
Curl, Overhead Press, Triceps Extension, Bent Over Row
4) Mosey back to start for Bat Wings.
We can’t skip Bat Wings at a place called Dark Knight, can we?
YHC rushed the hold counts a little because 1) Bat Wings suck 2) I wanted to get at least a little Mary in

Dolly x20 IC
Homer to Marge x20 IC
Dying Cockroach x20 IC
13 PAX
Welcome FNGs Snapper (Poncherello’s friend, used to own his own landscaping company) and Hot Wheels (Soft Trail’s 2.2)
Soft Trail announces long runs on the weekends in preparation for the two long distance races coming up
Tool Time reminds us about Saturday AO The Farm
Prayers for OJ and his family; Prayers for Snapper’s father and his family; prayers unspoken
YHC took us out
Naked Moleskin:
I couldn’t help calling Bat Wings at Dark Knight. This was the first time I’ve had PAX sit them out. Spit Valve just called them “stupid” and did his own Mary. That was pretty funny. El Duce modified but didn’t totally abandon them. It might be time to retire them from my routine, at least for the time being.
It’s great getting to better know the Knightdale PAX. Dark Knight is a great AO. I’m glad we were able to pick up a couple of FNGs, hopefully that will help it grow!
There were only three Raleigh guys tonight. I hope they weren’t dodging the Bat Wings!
Great job making it out to DK, Boitano! (El Duce as well, although I’m pretty sure he’s posted here before)
This was my nineteenth #F3Q21 #2021Challenge Q. Next stop is Catalyst on 3/6 (Saturday)

QIC: Pigpen
PAX: Boitano, El Duce, Hooter, Hot Wheels (Soft Trail 2.2 FNG), Klinger, Pigpen, Poncherello, Popcorn (Soft Trail 2.1), Snapper (FNG), Soft Trail, Spit Valve, Stairway, Tool Time
Workout Date: 03/04/21