The numbers all added up today. The stars aligned. We had 11 sandbags and 22 Pax on the 22nd of June, celebrating 4 years of F3 with 3 pre-runners, 1 Kotter, 1 2.0 and Chong honoring Cheech. It was muggy. It was gloomy. But the sun was rising. So we got to work.

Warm-up Loop
Run around the AO, counterclockwise, stopping at 4 locations for:
Plank Jacks x20
Good Mornings x15
Russian Dips x20
Imperial Walkers x20
The last stop was our starting point. Partner up and grab a sandbag from the Mystery Machine. Perfect numbers.

P1 runs to the back drop off circle, circles it, and returns.
P2 does the following on repeat, until P1 returns:
Curls x10, Squats x10, Presses x10
Round 2: Repeat above heading to the front circle and back.
Round 3: P1 does Squats and P2 does Curl Squat Presses x10.

The Escalator
Run to the same 4 locations as our warm-up, but riding the following ascending escalator:
1) Burpees x10
2) Burpees x10, Knee-ups x 20
3) Burpees x10, Knee-ups x 20, Merkins x30
4) Burpees x10, Knee-ups x 20, Merkins x30, Sumo Squat Jumps x 40
First to finish, get some extra sandbag work.

LBC x20
Flutter Kicks x20
Merkin Wave x1, x2, x3, x4, x5
Pax plank in a circle, do 1 push-up each around the circle, then 2, then 3, etc

A half dozen or so saw the last minute call to go sleeveless for Cheech. And we lifted him up the best we could. I learned after the workout that he passed during the night. Cheech, a member of F3 Lexington, SC was hit by a car during a running workout on Wednesday morning. He was a well respected dude, who, apparently, liked to rip the sleeves off his shirts. Today, many of us did the same. Life is fragile and it can be taken in an instant. My call to the Pax, was simply to connect with the men around you now. Call them, text them, go have lunch. The bond is more meaningful and powerful than most of us imagine. Embrace it.

An honor and a privilege,