YHC arrived early, planted shovel flag and set up 10 pain stations awaiting the arrival of Paxes.

Warm Up

  • SSH x20 IC
  • Fasio Arm Circles x10 each direction IC
  • Cotton Pickers x20 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x20 IC
  • Merkins x10 IC
  • Indian run around parking lot & tennis court perimiter x2 picking up rip rap on second lap

The Real Work

Paxes teamed up with a partner and one man started from each station progressing across parking lot while partner carried the rip rap rock and ran in the opposite direction around parking lot to meet up on opposite end of parking lot. Once partners met, rock was exchanged for station object and both continiued in their direction of travel back to station start. Planks were held until the six arrived back and moving to next station. Merkins x10 IC were completed after going through four stations. Stations were set up from left to right with the following:

  • Tire drag with waist belt
  • Two cinder block carry
  • Heavy tire flip
  • 45lb barbell lift/curl & carry
  • Tire lift and shoulder carry
  • Two cinder block carry
  • 8′ slosh pipe two man carry
  • Heavy tire flip
  • 7′  6″x6″ post carry
  • 50′ millstone carry


Moseyed over to tennis court to circle up

  • Low Slow Flutters x20 IC
  • LBCs x20 IC
  • American Hammers x20 IC
  • Merkins x10 IC


  • Announcements – 9/11 stair climb event at Carter Finley Stadium. Mention of Biff possibly driving clown car from Fuquay.
  • YHC shared importance of integrity from post that Deadbolt had shared on SouthWake FB page on Monday and being men of integrity in all areas of our lives.  Shared short testimony and scripture from Colossians 4:6 “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person” YHC challenged men to think on that in every area of our lives because we are and should always be men of integrity.
  • Prayer requests – Crablegs to continue to have strength, the family of Biff’s friends brother who went missing this past Saturday and was found deceased at Harris Lake presumably from self inflicted measures. Sausage Party’s friend Steve who was recently diagnosed with lesions on his liver. All those impacted by the floods in Texas.  YHC closed us out in prayer.

Peace out, YCH Double D….