Today was YHC’s first Q at the newer AO of Pony Express. After hearing of an alleged no-show for last week’s Pony Express, YHC was a bit curious as to who would show up. Come to find out, actually 4 men showed up last week but there was no Q and they opted for a Frye Daddy beat down at Zero Hour instead. Luckily, 11 men showed up this morning and a workout was had.

For those who has not posted at Pony Ex, it is a relatively straight forward workout: 2.5 miles of running down the greenway and back, with stops aka pain stations every 0.25 miles. One of the challenges with this site is the ridiculously dark greenway path where we run. YHC was equipped with a head lamp this morning to combat the darkness. However, other men were slightly faster so they led the way and rendered my light somewhat pointless. Regardless, YHC felt better for having it.

YHC’s goal today was to keep the pace going and try to have some pain stations that truly caused some pain.

At 5:30, the men were gathered for an intro, disclaimer and mission statement. We immediately moseyed from the parking lot to the greenway entrance. Several men were complaining about no warmup… We stopped at the entrance, which was YHC’s plan, and engaged a warm-up. It went like this:

Good Mornings x 15 IC

SSHs x15 IC

Fazio Arm Circles x10IC, forwards and backwards

Leg stretches 5 count, left, right and middle.

There were complaints of Good Mornings being done prior to SSHs but YHC didn’t care. We were off for our first quarter mile gallop… Here’s how each pain station went down:

1 – 25 merkins

2 – 50 LBCs

3 – 60 Carolina Drydocks

4 – 75 Mountain Climbers

5 – 100 Merkins – Lots of complaining. Some men saying they couldn’t do that many. Others saying they were going to wait for King David to stop, then they would consider themselves done. YHC thinks most men did somewhere in the 75-85 range. Admittedly, 100 merkins in a row is tough on the old shoulders.


6 – 75 Mountain Climbers

7 – 60 Carolina Drydocks

8 – 50 LBCs

9 – 25 Merkins

10 – 50 Sumo Squats

We moseyed back to the parking lot for Mary with roughly 5 minutes to spare.

Each man went around the circle, calling an exercise of their choice for a 15 count. YHC ended the circle with Have a Nice Day.

Announcements were upcoming Labor Day convergence, September 11th stair workout at Carter Finley Stadium and Q School in mid September.

Prayers were requested for the Linda McConnell, a close friend of Yoda who passed away over the weekend. We also lifted up all the people in Texas who have been impacted by the Hurricane.

11 men got better today. Always thankful for the opportunity to workout with this group and lead, albeit mostly from the rear today.

T-claps Men! SYITG

Tony Danza