A brisk cool morning brought out the faithful PAX- 10 men journeyed to Pullen park for our monthly benchmark- The Murph.

We paired up today and did the standard Murph, about half of us did real pull ups and only a few finished all 100 as unassisted pullups.  The rest did inverted rows.

Our times were 46:45->56:45, with a 1.3 mile run instead of a 1 mile run.

Lots of pushing hard, our times are not getting a lot better, but we are all doing more pullups.

tclaps to White Shoe and Tecumseh for doing 100 unassisted pullups

tclaps to Money Hose for running 2+ miles from home->Pullen

tclaps to Floppy Disk for pulling in a stranger into our COT, recruiting standard.

While we were finishing up a lot of film crews and props were being setup around pullen.  While one person was there ‘to take a few photos’, some signs mentioned there was filming for an internet video taking place.  We also heard mention of mellow mushroom.