18 showed to carry rocks on their backs, Run and exercise  Welcome FNG Detlef! Strong work!

Started with a warm up jog and moved into exercises: good mornings, merkins, windmills, quick feet and imperial walkers

Back to the run over to the First Citizens Rotunda where we partnered up ran around the building up the stairs alternating Urkins and Durkins while our partners amraped: WWII’s, Hammers and Little Baby dips. 3 rounds or 4 depending on your group

Recover on the run over to the school track to grab rocks, quick stop for peoples chair and balls to the wall above the track, next 4 sets of sprints and 2 sets of 10 curls, 10 rows, and 10 over the head presses

Next it was rocks over head on the straight aways and lunges at the curves for a lap around the track

Running short on time we did a quick set of stair barrows and 10 pull-ups with your partner followed by a short jog back to the lot for a final set of 30 LBC’s

That’s all folks,

Welcome to our newest FNG Detlef.

Quick prayers for Swirly’s mother-in-law and off to Coffeeteria!


Rice Krispies