As the clock struck 5:44 this fine morning, 8 men stood gathered in the Martin Middle School parking lot, VSF firmly planted, anxiously awaiting their instructions for daily downPAINment. Unfortunately, YHC was not one of those 8 men. In what could only be described as a move straight out of the Cinderella Driving School handbook, YHC came roaring up on the group, music blaring, and before the headlights cut off, the PAX was headed to the track.

2 lap (800m) warm up. 1st lap no frills. 2nd lap butt-kickers, high knees, and acceleration on the straights.
Brief COP for Frankenstein x20 (got to near Halloween, right?) and IWx15

The main course: 1200m repeats. 3 laps around the track at your Threshold pace, meaning fast enough to get your heartrate about 88-92% of your max. There’s some math involved here, it’s based off your last 5k time (which for many is never). For those interested, check the link After each 1200m we took 1 min rest. If I remember correctly, 4 sets were completed.

Circle up for some stretching and COT.

PAX completely abandoned the math and science of VDOT training and went right for the meat of running… faster splits. I blame the Q and the will of the PAX. Times were at least 30 seconds faster than expected across the group, and everyone got faster with each repeat. Go get your speed, fellas, just don’t get hurt.

Great to see our group size growing and guys coming back for more.

Prayers for speed, health, and safety for all runners in the City of Oaks events this Sunday. Big Sprolls, Lamp, Yo-Yo, Ben Johnson, and Flatline will be representing F3 in the Half Marathon. Start and Finish are at the NCSU Bell tower. Start time 7:00am. Love to see some F3 support out along the course! Call a friend, grab your M and 2.0s, wear your gear.

Great 2nd F and 3rd F opportunity this Sunday, 4pm, at Edenton St. United Methodist Church. Choral Concert featuring the Raleigh Chamber Orchestra as accompaniment…. oh yeah, and MFlatline and me. It’s free, there’s day care, and it’s some great music. More info? click here…

Prayers for CK’s mother in law.

3rd F dinner November 12. Look for a pre-blast and HC on the website. That means you need a login ID and password. Get up with Floppy Disk for that.

Hopebuilder is really taking off. You want to be part of this incredible work. Check the backblast and talk to Tony Robbins for more info.