ARRIVAL: It was a fine morning for F3. Pretty cool, you may even say brisk, relatively speaking. Good day to start the weekend. Seems it worked – total of 16 pax showed. Arriving in fine style was Burt rocking his native 70’s West VA hairdo and blasting some sweet MC Hammer tunes – how did he know Hammers were on the agenda? In the pax was our own McGilles – back from a 9 month hiatus in Ireland – someone said he must have been fartsacking. Katniss had FNG in tow, looking F3 ready. We were about 2 minutes from post time, using Largemouth’s timing ability, when a Greyhound Bus pulls up on two wheels. We later learned that only 3 pax emerged; there was some delay, having issue with hiding keys. Knowing at the start that we had at least on FNG, YHC promptly forgot his Q training and was off.
Warm-up jog around parking lot, check out the bus, circle up, lots of mumble chatter about no disclaimer with FNG in tow [actually 3], Disclaimer stated, proceed with SSH, Mountain climbers, Imp walker.
Run to bottom of hill for 10 burpees oyo and return to parking lot. Literally, en route, [we did not go all the way to the creek] Franklin started into the mumble chatter, the man does not like hills. He would not realize yet that I added a hill just for his enjoyment. 🙂
5 minutes AMRAP
- Line up in parking lot at the end of a parking line. Quick sprint to the far curb
- 10 little baby dips
- Return with defensive back shuffle right and left
- Quick sprint to curb
- 10 merkens
- AMRAP for 5 minutes
Circle up for some ab work. Starting in multiples of 1,2,3 ; build up in succession to 2,4,6 __ 3,6,9__ 10,20,30
- WWIIÂ Â x 1;
- Hammers  x 2;
- LBCs  x 3.
Run to bottom of hill for 10 burpees oyo and return to your line.
5 minutes AMRAP. Line up on your parking line.
- Alternating L/R lateral-forward explosive jumps to the far curb
- 10 plank jacks
- Return with side shuffle right
- 10 chillcut spiderman’s
- Alternating L/R lateral-forward explosive jumps to curb
- 10 plank jacks
- Return with side shuffle left
- AMRAP for 5 minutes
Run to bottom of hill for 10 burpees oyo and return to your line.
5 minutes AMRAP Line up on your parking line
- One legged line hop overs to far curb on one leg
- 10 merkins
- Return with alternating left over right, right over left scissors/leg crosses
- One legged line hop overs to far curb on right leg.
- AMRAP for 5 minutes
MARY: Dealers Choice
- Gut: Merkins
- Goose: Freddy Mercury
NMS: Not knowing the Charlotte crew that arrived, YHC figured he was being shopped for Q service ability due to increasing issues with YHC’s cadence counting and the lack of using the lexicon “recover”. Instead we just got more men-fng’s- in commercial real estate. It seems there are F3 members policing YHC’s ability to physically move in cadence, thus lots of non cadence work, which Ma Bell still was not happy with. YHC heard a couple of times on the WWII’s, “you’re going too fast”. Hmmm
- Announcements: @F3Blackops run at Umstead / Harrison entrance Sunday at 0615. Group one takes bridal path, group two takes Company Mill hiking trail. Fng PBX had an interest. Men are asked to step up and “Q”. It is your time for payback – take it. Raleigh / Churham GRC training starts next Sat July 25 0300 to ~ 0700 Saturday.
- Prayer Concerns: Franklin’s daughter heading to camp in Florida, Ma Bell heading to Virginia for ASP [Appalachian Service Project
- YHC took us out in Prayer
Thank you men and F3 for the privilege and honor to lead, follow, and serve.
“A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst that sparks extraordinary results.”