AO: Gettin’ the Runs (Garner/JoCoGa)
Workout Date: 07/21/21
Gettin’ the Runs is the final JoCoGa AO (within Wake County) for me. I struggled to determine a five mile route at first, but when I saw Vandora Springs/Black Sheep on the map, I checked the distance and it was pretty perfect.

Warm Up:
OYO stretching for YHC, 3.6 miles prerun for Dirty Pipes.

Main Event
1) Simple enough. Out and back run to Vandora Springs Elementary (Black Sheep AO) for five miles total.


2 PAX for main event, 5 total for COT

1) South Wake/Carpex Q Swap Week(s): Last week of July in South Wake, First week of August in Carpex.
2) F3 ENC CSAUP Sasquatch is 7/31
3) F3 NE Wake CSAUP The Deacon is 9/18
4) F3 10 Year is in Wilmington the weekend of 10/8

Prayers for recoveries from injuries. Prayers unspoken.
UTI took us out.

Naked Moleskin:
I was concerned I wouldn’t be able to keep pace after my scouting run last week, but we did all right. Dirty Pipes offered to go whatever pace I needed, then we realized we were clocking 8:20-ish at the time.
Dirty Pipes pushed me to end strong with some pace increases on the last half mile or so. We did end strong, at which point I dry heaved a couple of times, but no merlot.
This was my eightieth #F3Q21 #2021Challenge Q (eighty-second overall). Next Q is Friday at Crazy Ivan in South Wake.

QIC: Pigpen
Gettin’ the Runs: Dirty Pipes, Pigpen
OYO Biking: Oyster
OYO Run: Jerk
COT: Marky Mark
Workout Date: 07/21/21