Lucky number 7 for today’s Tempo installment of Hi-Fidelity. We had seven people and we did rounds of five minute tempo runs. Creativity is not my strong suit but we run around a track each week so creativity isn’t really needed.

Warm Up:
Run a mile (sprint the straights for the third/fourth leg).
COP – GM, Mountain Climber, Spiderman Merkin (Maize Signature Move), and Windmill

Main Event:
Run for five minutes at a medium pace (I don’t really think that means anything technical but I wanted to say medium pace – ha) and then rest for about a minute between sets. Simple.

Total mileage – 6.6 miles. Boom.

Naked Moleskin:
-My Boy Blue was his typical Larry Bird self this morning. #Beast.
-Lap two included discussions about Cam Newton, the Queen Bee and Lady Gaga. The Lady took the YHC off his game. Timing errors were made. Enron noted the demerit.
-Enron shows up periodically at his old work-out just to make sure Mr. Hand and CK are staying in line. #qualitycontrol
-Money Hose’s outfits are a thing of beauty each morning. The man loves cotton. I’m pretty sure he loved gym class back in the day. Just sayin’.
-Munson is one of the happiest people in F3. His positive attitude is infectious. Unfortunately the man has a kryptonite, The Triple. He tightens up when you talk about it. His jaw gets square. His eyes grow dim. The man has a strong distain for El Tripel. YHC understands. Munson is a man of principles. Snub the Wolf Run and include a work-out that is allegedly not in Five Points and the man is pushed too far. Way to hold the line, Munson. No burrito for you!

-Sign up for the Mule and Mud Run.

-YHC’s father-in-law, three of our F3 brother’s are hurt, and future babies.

YHC was recently reading the Walter magazine to see if he could catch another picture of Bob Villa in the man about town section. YHC might have read the article about the name sake for the Meymandi concert hall. Using some editorial liberties, Mr. Meymandi made a statement that stuck with me. He wants to get better everyday. Better physician, better husband, learn something so he grows as a person. That’s a great life lesson that we should apply everyday.

Thanks to Mr. Hand and CK for the reins,