The weatherman said it would be 34 degrees, but it was a balmy 47 when we took the field.  We quickly stripped a few layers off, and took off into the gloom.


Run around the field and back for Side Straddle Hops x 25, Mountain Climbers x 25, Imperial Walkers x 25 and Fazio Arm Circles x 12 x 12.

A quick step over to the tennis courts for Balls to the Wall x 20, Line Jumps side to side x 20 and forward and back x 20, with some Windmills x 20.  Do it again and again.

Another quick move back to the pavilion for Double Jumps x 15, dips x 12, and Decline Putin x 15, plus Decline Sarkozy x 15.

We ran down to the playground and back for a Plank-o-rama including such favorites as Plank x 20, Low Plank Hold x 20, Walking Plank x 10 each way, Plank Jack x 20, Bird Dog x 10 x 10.

We went back down to the playground for some Pull Ups x 7, Hanging Knee raises x 7, Swing Set Ab Curls x 15.  Repeat that.  Incline Merkins x 15 and 10 Burpees.

We headed over to the grass by the parking lot for Six Minutes of Mary.  Mary was full of our favorites like V-ups x 20, LBCs x 20, Hello Dolly x 20, Freddy Mercury x 20, Chill Cut Plank x 20, Heels to Heaven x 20, and Windshield Washers x 20.

Naked Moleskin

I appreciate Bret Michaels faithfulness.  Vaseline find work is conflicting with workouts.  CeeLo’s oldest son will face back surgery on Tuesday, keep him in prayer.