On a day when most PAX were resting up before the big Ruck, 10 men found their way to Pullen park. Pullen, the original home of F3 in Raleigh, offers a lot of terrain- sadly today we would just hit a few spots and just do hard work.
run to cat circle up and down stairs
25 merkins in large gazebo
3x 20 jump ups with squat hold

run to rock pile:
long hold overhead
20x tricep extensions
20x bicept curls

partner up for jailbird relay:
2 rocks- partner 1 carries them to the far tree, partner 2 does exercise
then partner 2 retrieves both rocks while partner 1 does exercise
exercises were- plank, burpees, plank, WWII, superman jacks

circle up with rocks for:
medium hold overhead
15x tricep extensions
15x bicept curls

run to parking deck for 11’s on the stairwell:
burpees at the top, WWII at the bottom

run back to parking lot for speed mary around the circle, 10 counts each:
merican hammer
dying cockroach
shoulder taps
ankle biters
imperial walkers
low slow flutter
box cutters
homer to marge

We ended with a COT.  The group who posted kept moving and kept the mumble chatter to a minimum.  tclaps to all who pushed hard and didn’t give up.