Begin the day by informing pax the significance of April 11th in American history and then began historical re-enactment:
Warm Up COP: SSH, IW, KDK, Merkins, MC
Volleyball court – Split in 2 groups – abbreviated Sand Suicides/Exercises in Cadence – flapjack: Dry Docks, Squats, Wide Grip Merkins, Lunges
Indian Run around park
Relieve General MacChonger from his Q duties due to a general disrespect for Site Q executive authority and because he made me get sand in my shoes.
- 10 burpees
- 10 more burpees
- 10, 9, 8, 7, 8, 9 Mericans with 10 count plank
- 20 plank jacks
- 30 WWII Situps
- 25 LBC
- 25 Heels to Heaven
- 20 Freddie Mercury
- 10 Close Grip Merican
- 10 Burpee
- 5 Slo Mo Close Grip Mericans
- 25 Alternating Lunges
- 25 Prisoner Squats
- 20 American Hammers
COT, Prayers, Announcements (Joe Cocker tour). Mr Biggleworth won leg wrestle with Getty for the prayer and took us out.