The gloom found two souls ready to make their downPAINment to start their week.  They claimed it was quality not quantity that counted…unless you’re counting reps…then quantity matters too.  An elderly couple were out walking the lower field, so the Q chose the upper field for a short warm up run.


After a warm up run we did Side Straddle Hops x 20, Windmills x 20, Good Mornings x 15 and Sir Fazio Arm Circles x 10 each way.

Feeling the blood flowing, and recognizing that they were not to be joined by late comers or strangers wandering aimlessly in the dark with an insatiable desire to be near men dressed in technical gear, we headed off to shelter number 2 for Single leg squats and Dips with sets of 15-12-10.

A short stroll to the playground offered us a spot for two rotations of pull ups x 5 and lateral rows x 10.

Back toward the parking lot with a stop on the grass for a Plank-o-rama filled with High x 20, Pete Chillcut x 20, Putin x 20 Sarkozy x 20, Mountain Climbers x 20, Star x 20.

When we finished we were so close to the tennis courts we knew we had to play a set, but no one brought their rackets, so we decided to enjoy some bear crawls and hallelujahs x 7 and more bear crawls

We sauntered back up to the parking lot for a quick round of Mary with 20 counts of Dying Cockroach, RDU style Homer to Marge (we threw in some single leg versions too), LBCs, Low Slooooow Flutters, Freddy Mercury, and a 6’ leg hold with a 15 count around the circle (which wasn’t a circle at all since there was only 2 of us).


Two of the PAX were out with work, and so far recruiting efforts haven’t proven to be completely unsuccessful, but we carried on.  Next week we hit that hill for a Jacobs Ladder.  You know you’ve been wanting it.


Don’t forget the Mule on October 5.  6am to 10am.  Few excuses will be counted as acceptable, and even those will be considered pitiful.  Death of course is always accepted as a reasonable excuse for missing a convergence of such significance, and which is totally and inexcusably CSAUP.